Is Physiotherapy Painful after Joint Replacement ?

Is Physiotherapy Painful after Joint Replacement ?

Joint replacement surgery calls for utmost care for quick and safe rehabilitation. Go through the offerings of the best physiotherapy clinic in Gota, Ahmedabad.

Physiotherapy is the essential rehabilitation process aiming at restoring the mobility of the joints and muscles after joint replacement surgery. It consists of exercises and sessions conducted by professional physiotherapists. Learn about the offerings of the best physiotherapy clinic in Gota in detail.

Is Physiotherapy Painful after Joint Replacement

Popular physiotherapy exercises :

Some of the standard physiotherapy exercises offered by the best physio clinic in Gota, Ahmedabad, after joint replacement surgery are :

  • Walking and standing slowly after joint replacement surgery
  • Walking and stretching exercises
  • Relaxing and tensing thighs
  • Ankle pumping

Benefits of physiotherapy exercises :

Before jumping to a quick yes or no on the pain experienced during physiotherapy after joint replacement, it is essential to know its benefits. So, below are the top benefits of a professional physiotherapist treatment of joint replacement in Ahmedabad :

  • Quick recovery : Helps keep the joint active.
  • Building joint strength : Makes joints and surrounding muscles strong for supporting the implant.
  • Treating swelling and pain : Helps alleviates pain and swelling in the knee and surrounding region.
  • Movement restoration : Helps increase the motion range.
  • Improved blood circulation : Eliminates the risk of blood clots.

Is physiotherapy painful after joint replacement ?

Knee rehabilitation after its replacement is a difficult job. Hence, patients may experience pain during the physiotherapy sessions. However, there is no need to worry as the newly replaced knee tends to rest in one position, which can make it stiff. The good news here is that with the passing of the physiotherapy sessions, the pain decreases due to the increased mobility in the new joint.

Parting words

Hence, it is safe to conclude that physiotherapy is a must for people who've undergone joint replacement surgeries. It may be painful in the initial days, but leading physiotherapists like Dr Jigar's Physio Clinic help patients normalize their life quickly and safely.

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