Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Frozen Shoulder Treatment in Ahmedabad

Get best physiotherapy from experienced physiotherapist Dr.Jigar Patel.

Let’s know more about frozen shoulder.

best doctor for frozen shoulder in ahmedabad

Best Doctor for Frozen Shoulder in Ahmedabad

Quote Let’s treat frozen shoulder with advanced soft tissue mobilisation and other modalities with our experienced physiotherapist where you get personal attention by dr. Jigar Patel and get this best facilities at your door-step

What is frozen shoulder?

It is adhesion in shoulder which restrict the shoulder movement. It starts slowly and usually occurs between 40 to 60 years.

Different stages of frozen shoulder :

  • Start: pain gradually that will increase with movement. Pain present at night.
  • Continuous: and more intense pain even at rest on 2 nd stage.
  • Pain: only with movement and shoulder movement is limited.
  • Minimal: pain but restriction persist.

Impairments :

  • Night: pain.
  • Pain: might be on movement and even on rest.
  • Movement: limitation.
  • Difficulty: in dressing, combing, reaching hand into back pocket.
  • Difficulty: lifting weighted objects.
  • Limited: repetitive activities.

Goals of physiotherapy :

  • Decrease pain.
  • Increase joint mobility.
  • Improve limited activities.
  • Muscle strengthening.

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